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The Fashion Month : Let’s Fall In Love All Over Again, Shall We?

Sweaters, skirts, platforms, tights, and the fresh smell of pumpkin spice lattes. What’s not to love about Fall? The stained berry lip marks on coffee cups. The cold breeze running through your hair, while the colored leaves dance around the cobblestone sidewalks. And the beautiful sound of Bon Iver and Taylor Swift touching the many broken hearts we Fall lovers have. Yet, why is Fall, the Fashion Month? Let me tell you my thoughts.

Don’t get me wrong, Winter, Spring, and Summer all have their moments but, nothing can compare to when Fall comes around. I’ve never been the biggest Summer person, to be honest I actually sort of dread June and July. The temperature is unbearable and shorts are and probably will never be my thing. However, I do love the beach when the sun is setting and how the bonfire flames wrap around my friends and me. But, as soon as the end of August arrives and the temperature hits 60 degrees, it’s Fall time. Pull out those coats and get ready to layer!  

There’s just something about the Fall that makes me feel like a kid again but, at the time makes me feel older. It may be because of the drastic color change amongst the leaves, or the temperature dropping. But, I feel so at ease with how much I am growing as a woman and in age. In January I am turning 18. 18 years old, the age where I’m an adult. It makes me cringe to think of it as that because when you’re 18, you’re still a teenager. Fall isn’t just about the knitwear and the maxi skirts, I mean don’t get me wrong, they add an amazing touch to our wardrobes but, it is also about a time of reminiscing. Remembering and reflecting on the year. The good, the bad, and even the hopelessness. Find hope among the leaves and through the breeze. Without hope, you will never see the good in life, and you have to hope there is good in this life. 

This Fall, spend time with your loved ones. Spend time with the ones you call family. Take pictures, dance in the rain, and drink cups and cups of coffee. Just live. The Fall brings the best out of me but, it is also very tempting to hide amongst its secure corners. Don’t bury yourself in the conformity of your loneliness. Embrace and express yourself through trousers, loafers, and blazers. Don’t be afraid to wear that bold lip or just your casual pair of Converse. It’s not weird or awkward unless you make it weird and awkward. And, please, whatever you do, don’t forget to hug your friends or your brother, or sister. Time is very limited, but connection is forever. 

“Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place”.

– Taylor Swift, “All Too Well”

Hi, I'm Ellie and welcome to The Ellie Edit. I will be posting many things on my blog, mostly centered on Beauty and Fashion, a place for strong minded women and men that want a peak into the Fashion world! We are all beautiful in our own way, and I cherish those that find their inner spirit and let it fly. I believe Beauty and Fashion are a medium from which we can communicate our own individual voices without a spoken word. The colors and powders we put on our faces, are not to impress others, but rather to fulfill ourselves and the image that strikes back in the mirror. Thank you, and enjoy!