Beauty,  Welcome

Olivia’s Favorite: What it means to feel emotionally gratifying.

“If I could send a note to the Glossier community, I’d say, ‘You look good exactly as you are. You’re just perfect, and don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise.”

Olivia Rodrigo for Glossier.

As some of you may know, or should know, Olivia Rodrigo has been running through our minds ever since her release of her iconic and influential album “Sour” and can’t seem to escape us, but who’s complaining? Not only has she already won three Grammy’s at the the age of 19, she has also made a prominent impact on the way young girls and boys express themselves. Through her angst yet elegant style, Olivia has mastered the look of a fresh and eye appealing makeup look through the eyes and masterful minds of Glossier; my go to as well.

Personally, I have always loved learning and watching the different ways actresses, singers, and even models apply their makeup. Some have a 5 step routine and most, even myself, have a deliberate routine that takes time and patience, and a couple of shuffles of our Spotify playlists. Quality over quantity, right? Anyways… I discovered Olivia’s makeup routine through watching “Beauty Secrets”, a segment on Vogue YouTube, and I was just so, so obsessed. I was already a big fan of Glossier, (go check out my Glossier post), but after watching Olivia talk about how Glossier makes you not only look good but feel good, I was even more hooked.

“When I look in the mirror, I see someone who’s striving to be better and do better, who likes to take care of herself and people around her. That always looks good–when you’re taking care of yourself on the inside.”

Olivia Rodrigo for Glossier.

On April 19, 2022, Olivia announced to her millions of followers and fans her collaboration with Glossier and like many of those fans, I was ecstatic when I saw her campaign for Glossier. “I always feel best when I’m in makeup that I feel enhances what I have naturally”, said Olivia when explaining what it means to feel emotionally gratifying. Makeup is not just for looking good but feeling good. You should never feel obligated to cover your face with pounds and pounds of makeup, it should be your choice to do so. I, like Olivia, have found products that enhance my natural features, not only by the way I apply them and the way the product is made, but through the way I feel in them. To feel is so important when it comes to Makeup because if you don’t feel it, don’t wear it. You are you, and there’s no changing that.

Talk soon xoxo

Here are Olivia’s Favorites:

Want to know more about the products? From Glossier:

  • Boy Brow: fluffy, natural-looking brows in seconds flat. “I love a good eyebrow. I always feel best when I’m in makeup that kind of just accentuates my natural features.”
  • Ultralip: buildable lip color with a three oil-blend and Hyaluronic Acid, pairing the comfort of a balm with the sheen of a gloss. “Makes me feel glowy and shiny.”
  • Pro Tip: Olivia’s go-to liquid eyeliner. “I love eyeliner. Winged eyeliner is my favorite thing in the world. I think I’m getting better at my winged eyeliner game too. I just try to do it every day and statistically, I have to have improved at least a little.”

Hi, I'm Ellie and welcome to The Ellie Edit. I will be posting many things on my blog, mostly centered on Beauty and Fashion, a place for strong minded women and men that want a peak into the Fashion world! We are all beautiful in our own way, and I cherish those that find their inner spirit and let it fly. I believe Beauty and Fashion are a medium from which we can communicate our own individual voices without a spoken word. The colors and powders we put on our faces, are not to impress others, but rather to fulfill ourselves and the image that strikes back in the mirror. Thank you, and enjoy!