
Creativity Through Fabric and Thread.

There are no limitations when it comes to Fashion.

Everyone deserves to have the right to express themselves through color. Whether its a dark, olive green denim or a latex red halter piece, its all up to you. Fashion is an ongoing movement of inspiration for the lives of millions. Personally for me, I have always loved how clothes and accessories can make me feel alive and confident with myself. Here’s the thing about fashion, though — you have to start with an open mind that is willing to absorb the ideas and creativity from fashion icons and reconstructing them into YOUR own label. Having your own identity is important for human growth and is essential for your mental health, so go make your label rather than having someone else define it for you. Living in a society that is constantly judging you is frustrating and maddening — change the standard and define yourself with an open heart and some serious fashion and show the world your inner and outer self. You can be that guy or girl, who walks into a room that is filled with disapproving glares, holding your head high while wearing a sequined pantsuit and not back down to the glares of hate and prejudice.

While you are not just what you wear, you can find the freedom to express yourself through fashion. Billie, Rihanna, Zendaya are our generations icons that have all uniquely expressed themselves through their fashion and have each created their own individual labels. Following their lives we see an evolution in their energies and their spirits and this can be a trend each of us can follow — change when you want and however you want.

Every year there is a drastic movement of change in the fashion lines and trends that we are constantly following. Like I said before, having your own identity is crucial for human growth, and this ties in with fashion. Fashion throughout the decades has always changed and in a funny way makes itself back to our time today. The clothes that we wear today can give us confidence, and the photos we see from the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, inspire us to enhance our clothing taste.

For me, as a fifteen year old, my fashion taste has changed throughout my childhood, but for the past year, I have set my style to be inspired by 90s glam. 90s glam is a runway of nostalgic flavor, some even say its a full force of power and chic. Finding fresh and creative looks is simple yet, complicated, but isn’t this how life is? Its simple by finding material that speaks/relates to you, but complicated if not accepted or conforms to what others think is fashion. Well speaking from a power chic position — throw down your guard and live and dress the way you feel, its all that matters!

Vogue, Bazaar, Elle, Instagram and Pinterest are all sources that can assist you on your journey of finding your individuality while seeing some of the greatest collection of fashion artists the world has to offer.

Uncovering your creative identity through clothes, jewelry, or makeup is a refreshing feeling, that can help you express yourself and illustrate your emotions, thoughts, and feelings as a human being.

Hi, I'm Ellie and welcome to The Ellie Edit. I will be posting many things on my blog, mostly centered on Beauty and Fashion, a place for strong minded women and men that want a peak into the Fashion world! We are all beautiful in our own way, and I cherish those that find their inner spirit and let it fly. I believe Beauty and Fashion are a medium from which we can communicate our own individual voices without a spoken word. The colors and powders we put on our faces, are not to impress others, but rather to fulfill ourselves and the image that strikes back in the mirror. Thank you, and enjoy!