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Coming Back To My Roots

Today is January 26, 2022, I am 17 now and this just might be the first time I feel older. Every year my family and friends ask me, “do you feel any different?” or “do you feel older?”, and I always give them the same answer every year, “no”. Yet, this time, it’s different. I know in the past posts I have displayed, I talked about how I am growing mentally and emotionally as a young woman, but this time I feel it. I feel myself gravitating towards the things I love, the things that I am passionate about. And now, as I sit down at my computer with my coffee next to me and my hair up in a clip, I feel all the possibilities and opportunities brushing against my cheeks like warm air, lifting me up above the past and pushing me ahead.

Being 17 means a lot to me, more than anyone really knows. I am at the brink of adulthood or at least I think I am. But, I’ve always asked myself, what will my life be or even look like when I am an adult? We all have dreams, goals, aspirations, yet the unpredictable questions is, will I achieve them? The notion of unpredictability scares me, but, then again life scares me. Yet, I find comfort in knowing that my life will be unpredictable because nothing in life is permanent or sticks to the plan. You know? The plan that our 10 year old selves draw out in marker, on lined paper, with pictures cut out of magazines and newspapers, illustrating where we want to live, who we will be, and what out future will look like. Oh what I would tell my 10 year old self now….

As I continue to grow older, I find myself in a place where I never thought I would be. In the fashion and makeup world, creativity and individualism is celebrated on all platforms. Whether that be eccentric eyeliner, mullets, vests, minimalistic tattoos, or even cowboy boots, there are no boundaries! My main goal this year is to find time for myself and to express my personality through articles of clothing. When doing your makeup, make sure you take your time and just enjoy yourself. So many times we are rushed when taking care of ourselves because we are either running late or our parents are mad at us for taking so long. But, if you make time before, to just sit down, exfoliate and moisturize, while applying concealer and foundation, you will be content. Spending time with yourself is one of the most rewarding activities one can do when stressed or overwhelmed!

When talking about taking time for ourselves, it’s important to find products that are comfortable, affordable, and friendly. It took me some time but, once I found my go-to skin care products, my skin felt alive and most importantly, healthy. My skin care consists of: CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser, The Ordinary 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Moroccan Argan Oil, Clinique Moisturizing Lotion, Glossier Futuredew, and the Glossier Cherry Balm Dotcom.

My final note for today is that, over the past couple of weeks I have found no time to just sit and write. I had all the inspirations around me and for my advantage but, I decided to just ignore it and continue on with my busy life. Losing passion for the thing I love most. But, right now, right here, I am back. I am back to my roots. I almost forgot about the feeling writing about fashion and makeup gave me. That sense of acceptance and security, that feeling of putting on my boots, leather bomber jacket, scarf, and headphones, while listening to my playlist and just being joyful towards the little things. I am coming back from my roots and I am ready now more than ever to be committed to what I love!

Stay tuned…

Hi, I'm Ellie and welcome to The Ellie Edit. I will be posting many things on my blog, mostly centered on Beauty and Fashion, a place for strong minded women and men that want a peak into the Fashion world! We are all beautiful in our own way, and I cherish those that find their inner spirit and let it fly. I believe Beauty and Fashion are a medium from which we can communicate our own individual voices without a spoken word. The colors and powders we put on our faces, are not to impress others, but rather to fulfill ourselves and the image that strikes back in the mirror. Thank you, and enjoy!