• Beauty,  Welcome

    The “I Love Looking Cold” Makeup

  • Beauty,  Welcome

    Olivia’s Favorite: What it means to feel emotionally gratifying.

    “If I could send a note to the Glossier community, I’d say, ‘You look good exactly as you are. You’re just perfect, and don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise.”

    Olivia Rodrigo for Glossier.

    As some of you may know, or should know, Olivia Rodrigo has been running through our minds ever since her release of her iconic and influential album “Sour” and can’t seem to escape us, but who’s complaining? Not only has she already won three Grammy’s at the the age of 19, she has also made a prominent impact on the way young girls and boys express themselves. Through her angst yet elegant style, Olivia has mastered the look of a fresh and eye appealing makeup look through the eyes and masterful minds of Glossier; my go to as well.

    Personally, I have always loved learning and watching the different ways actresses, singers, and even models apply their makeup. Some have a 5 step routine and most, even myself, have a deliberate routine that takes time and patience, and a couple of shuffles of our Spotify playlists. Quality over quantity, right? Anyways… I discovered Olivia’s makeup routine through watching “Beauty Secrets”, a segment on Vogue YouTube, and I was just so, so obsessed. I was already a big fan of Glossier, (go check out my Glossier post), but after watching Olivia talk about how Glossier makes you not only look good but feel good, I was even more hooked.

    “When I look in the mirror, I see someone who’s striving to be better and do better, who likes to take care of herself and people around her. That always looks good–when you’re taking care of yourself on the inside.”

    Olivia Rodrigo for Glossier.

    On April 19, 2022, Olivia announced to her millions of followers and fans her collaboration with Glossier and like many of those fans, I was ecstatic when I saw her campaign for Glossier. “I always feel best when I’m in makeup that I feel enhances what I have naturally”, said Olivia when explaining what it means to feel emotionally gratifying. Makeup is not just for looking good but feeling good. You should never feel obligated to cover your face with pounds and pounds of makeup, it should be your choice to do so. I, like Olivia, have found products that enhance my natural features, not only by the way I apply them and the way the product is made, but through the way I feel in them. To feel is so important when it comes to Makeup because if you don’t feel it, don’t wear it. You are you, and there’s no changing that.

    Talk soon xoxo

    Here are Olivia’s Favorites:

    Want to know more about the products? From Glossier:

    • Boy Brow: fluffy, natural-looking brows in seconds flat. “I love a good eyebrow. I always feel best when I’m in makeup that kind of just accentuates my natural features.”
    • Ultralip: buildable lip color with a three oil-blend and Hyaluronic Acid, pairing the comfort of a balm with the sheen of a gloss. “Makes me feel glowy and shiny.”
    • Pro Tip: Olivia’s go-to liquid eyeliner. “I love eyeliner. Winged eyeliner is my favorite thing in the world. I think I’m getting better at my winged eyeliner game too. I just try to do it every day and statistically, I have to have improved at least a little.”

  • Beauty,  Welcome

    Euphoria- Beyond the Makeup

    Doniella Davy is the mastermind behind the unique and intelligent makeup looks in the HBO series, Euphoria. Makeup is a piece of artwork, that helps the public understand someone’s image in an authentic and an exceptional way. Every single character in the series has an aesthetic look to them, whether that means having rhinestones layered along the cheekbone or having pigmented eyeliner along the eyelids. Doniella has inspired people across the world to express themselves however they please by using makeup in a clashing illustration.

    Doniella Davy with Jules Vaughn, played by actress Hunter Schafer.

    As you watch the series, you will realize that throughout each episode, Kat, Cassie, Rue, and other characters wear and portray themselves continuously in different ways. There is never a moment where you see a character articulating a look the same way twice. Seeing the process and watching videos of the makeup artists tackling ways to emphasize the advanced and rare makeup looks is truly amazing to witness. One thing that I love about Doniella’s taste is, how each characters style is separate from the rest. Personally for me, I am in love with Maddy Perez’s style and makeup looks (Maddy is played by actress Alexa Demie). They’re bold, fierce, striking, and daring, everything that a makeup artist should present to the public and media’s eye.

    Doniella Davy once said in an interview with Allure Magazine that, “it was the opposite approach from what typical makeup departments use for television. Usually, so-and-so has their everyday look, and that’s just their look. This was completely different because Sam (creator of Euphoria) wanted the makeup to be its own full expression of what was going on with the characters. If they’re experiencing different emotions and circumstances in all these scenes, then the makeup had to be different.”

    Makeup is a “whole freedom of self-expression”, says Sam Levinson. Over the years, makeup on television has not been depicted in a creative way like, the series Euphoria does. Witnessing the artistic wonders of the makeup looks Doniella Davy and Sam Levinson generated in the show, motivated me and thousands of young teens, who are experimenting with makeup, to go beyond the regular standard of how makeup should look. From now on, before I leave my home, I will no longer just wear mascara, I will apply glitter to my eyelids and rhinestones to my cheeks.

  • Beauty

    Glossier — The New, Dewy, Look

    Skin first, makeup second, smile always, tagline of the global cosmetic company — Glossier. Glossier is the definition of the ¨no makeup, makeup¨ look, where a simple splash of Cloud Paint, can do the job. When I first heard about Glossier, I thought it was just another brand of makeup that every girl and boy buys so they can ¨fit¨ in. However, when I began using the products and researching the company, I immediately fell in love with the sparkle and softness of their lines and the hope and inspiration of their message.

    Self Care, Self Love.

    Glossier has no limits when it comes to skin care, makeup, and fragrance. What I love most about Glossier, is that it encourages people of all races, ethnicity , and ages, to embrace themselves through a glossy, slick look. In my personal experience, when I applied the makeup and soft moisturizers onto my bare/dry face, I actually felt comfortable and my skin felt alive. The fresh applications were easy to apply and I love the ritual of applying Glossier and starting my day with a sense of self and personal expression.

    Self Care, Self Love

    Something for Everyone.

    A lot of men and women have different ways of expressing themselves through makeup. It can be a dramatic eyebrow, or a subtle bronze. But, to be honest, there really are no rules when it comes to makeup and making yourself feel great, especially for Glossier. Please don’t dismiss this brand as just trendy, or a fad for the self absorbed. It is an amazing company that I hope you become just as obsessed with as I have.

    One of the best things about Glossier is that they have a variety of different shades and colors that go extremely well for so many different skin tones. Plus, don´t even get me started on the Cloud Paint and the renowned Lip Gloss. The colors and the textures that Glossier has to offer are truly one-of-a-kind and are the pure definition of ¨dewy¨– there is something for everyone!

    Products that I use:

    (and love..)

    Future Dew

    Balm Dot Com

    Stretch Concealer

    Skin Tint


    Boy Brow



    Cloud Paint


    Glossier inspires our society to accept ourselves and to be our own beautiful.

    ¨You’re not just a skin type¨

  • Beauty

    The Beauty of Makeup

    Makeup is not about being prettier than everyone else, its about being pretty with yourself.

    The Makeup industry is a worldwide campaign that influences men, women, and children to express themselves through exotic colors, glossy lipsticks and a lot of glam. But does it do a good job of allowing people to express themselves without fear of judgement? When someone wears a full face of makeup, do you automatically judge them for what they painted on their face? When you see the purple undertones that lay underneath the pigmented eyeliner that has been perfected for the 15th time, do you look at the artwork and think ¨isn´t that odd?” Do you laugh at men who apply foundation or eyeliner to themselves, do you sneer at young boys and girls experimenting with hair dyes and piercings? 
    Its not about being the prettiest one in the friend group or the skinniest one in school. Its about having confidence in yourself, and to have the ability to wake up in the morning and not care what your mom or dad, your brother or sister or your peers think about how red the color of your lips are, or what hairstyle you decide to wear. We all have inner struggles and demons that lay beneath our skin, and its okay to hide our deepest regrets, our scars, with foundations and makeup.
    Anyway, some might argue that hiding our pain is wrong and not healthy, and yes, not addressing our issues can be damaging to our mental health. But, any man, woman, or child that challenges themselves to express their deepest and most personal story through powders and palettes, through goth or glam, deserves our love and above all respect. 
    The way we feel about ourselves is such an important part of becoming a incredible person, a person of confidence and strength, a person of incredible artistry and passion, a beautiful person with crooked teeth, heavy eyeliner and gorgeous nails, its all good if your good. And always remember, we don’t have to show it outwardly we can rage from within and still be heard and still make a difference. 
    We have a long way to go; unfortunately our society continues to ridicule our differences and flaws and it is truly appalling and upsetting because no one can determine who you are — who we are! The only person that matters, is the one whose image reflects back at you when looking in the mirror.